¡Special Offers!
Now Open 9-day Case Study Trials!
Nine Days to Heal and Restore!
Everyone has bad days or low spots in their life, but what if you know you’re dealing with something more than only a "rough patch"?
You feel anxious, restless, lethargic, bored, checked out, and powerless. Maybe you partake in unhealthy activities like drinking or self-harm so you can feel something, anything. Or to escape from the feelings that overwhelm you or that you can’t even understand!
Perhaps you know that you experienced childhood trauma. Or maybe there’s an underlying something you aren’t even aware of but that gnaws at your insides.
Perhaps you work a high-risk, high-trauma profession that has crossed all your wires and left you feeling both tightly wound and spilled out all over.
Perhaps you experience anxiety or depression that prevents you from engaging in the fullness of life.
You can feel relief.
You can feel ease.
You can feel healed.
You can feel whole.
You can feel energized.
Imagine the pure joy of spending time with those you care about and being able to care deeply for them, without worrying if you'll have flashbacks or panic attacks or worse!
Imagine feeling fulfilled by work or activities you know are meaningful because you can focus more fully on them!
Imagine being able to take on the daily tasks of life, without feeling like they are overwhelming mountains of drudgery!
And what’s more amazing is that you can attain this balanced state in less than two weeks!
I’m Michael R Hackett, and I am extending you a special invitation to become one of ONLY TEN people to participate in the trial offering of my Hagalaz Healing™ 9-DAY Journey!
Through my discoveries of many healing modalities, I’ve been able to overcome and heal from childhood abuse, struggles with anxiety and depression, self-harming and suicide, energetic blockages, AND a brain tumor.
Often there is no single path to feeling better. My holistic, multi-modality approach to healing means that numerous strategies work together to bring high-impact wholeness fast!
Over the last five years, I’ve learned to weave together Reiki, crystal healing, the power of ancient runes, hypnotherapy, and other techniques to create my master process.
I’ve already established a successful program for my clients in the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey. This nine-week program has provided lasting transformation for others with similar challenges, including PTSD, depression, and other trauma experiences.

†Written Testimonial by Kathryn Walker in August 2023 after the 9th session of her Journey.
Now I'm putting it on the FAST TRACK!
If you have hesitated to get started in the healing process because you’ve felt overwhelmed by or unable to commit to weeks, months, or even years of therapy, this is the opportunity you want to grab!
The Hagalaz Healing™ 9-DAYS Journey includes most of the elements of the original program. But instead of nine weeks, it is condensed into 9 days (with an optional two additional days for integration).
Your healing journey consists of nine, live, 90-minute, one-on-one sessions. Each of these sessions is highly customized based on your individual needs and specific challenges.
We begin session one with a deep dive into the information collected on intake into the program coupled with an Integration Healing and Quantum Trance Journey. On this journey, we’ll visit the World Tree and explore your personal time stream to discover experiences and limiting beliefs you may have forgotten about, repressed, or overlooked because you haven’t realized their impact on your life.
Sessions two through eight are the core of the program. We focus on healing your traumas, limiting beliefs, and blockages created by events in your life, progressing from your earliest experiences to your present space. We even take a peek at possible futures!
Session nine is your graduation. We review the journey and reinforce the new exercises you’ve learned along the way. The goal is to ensure you maintain your healed state and continue to grow and meet future obstacles with confidence and clarity! Then we welcome the new life you’ve always dreamed of with a final, celebratory Quantum Trance Journey!
†When Shivani mentions "3 months" it is because her graduation came at 11 Weeks. She is one of the few where we continued sessions beyond the standard 9 weeks (2 months +1 week).
You can feel relief from the things that are weighing you down and holding you back!
You can feel calmer and more loving in your relationships!
You can feel more control over your life and your responses to the things that come up!
You can feel more joy and be more balanced!
All participants in the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey reported feeling an average of 93% better by the 4th session, and 86% of them were 100% better by the 9th session!
A case study trial membership of the Hagalaz Healing™ 9-Day Journey is only $499.75! This is ¼ the price of the original 9-Week Hagalaz Healing™ Journey!
But this offer is limited to the first ten participants, and once the spots are filled, this low, introductory price will never be offered again!
†Case study trial participants must provide written and video testimonials and agree to allow me to share basic, non-identifiable progress data. This is part of the deal to help make the price so low.
This Healing Journey is for those who know they have things to work on and are prepared to take a deep look at themselves and take daily action to obtain accelerated results!
Nine is a powerful number! Ninety minutes a day over the course of nine days will produce powerful results! But you have to be ready to heal and make progress!
For those who are ready, you can have ease and healing in less than two weeks!
Unsure you can do 9 straight days in a row of 90 minute sessions?
I understand that finding ninety minutes a day for nine consecutive days may be a challenge for those of us with families and busy schedules. That is why I've made space allowing for two, flexible, integration days as part of the journey! These days will be determined cooperatively when we're ready to start your program after the preparation work is completed.
But if the up-front time commitment seems difficult, please do consider the relatively short duration it will take to complete the journey and see results! In less than two weeks you will release the things holding you back and recalibrate your energy, mindset, and emotions!
The Journey never truly ends my friends...
For your ease of mind, I’m extending the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey Guarantee to apply to the 9-Day Journey case study trials!
If you don’t feel you have reclaimed your power over life and found happiness at the end of the Journey Experience, I’ll continue working with your until you do- at no additional cost!! Everyone’s situation is different, and while the Journey intends only one session per Major Chakra, some blocks and trauma are critically deep-rooted and may take additional sessions to break in full. It's uncommon, but can happen. I've only had to deal with it twice since June of 2023, and the worst case instance only took 4 extra sessions!
I use a special tracking method to quantify and determine progress. We do the work until we’ve succeeded and cleared you through every phase of your life so you are prepared for your amazing future!
Additionally, case study members of the Hagalaz Healing™ 9-Day Journey have access to the same specially discounted graduate sessions. Because life continues to present us with new challenges and new opportunities for growth! It's my hope that you will never need it but it will be there for your peace of mind, just in case.
But don’t just take my word for it!
Here’s what others have said about working with me in the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey.
Want something extra?
People who embark on the Hagalaz Healing™ Journey receive an elaborated, preserved and finished version of the final form of their custom 9-Worlds Runic Foundation Grid as a decorative work of art to commemorate their healing and growth. Visually striking, it also serves as an inspiration to maintain a healed state!
The Foundation Grid is not included in the 9-Day Journey in order to keep costs down as the commemorative grid uses all your actual grid crystals and I'll have to replace those. The typical range is $200-400, but the actual price is dependent on the final form of the Grid and the crystals used in its construction.
You may request a quote at the end of your Journey and purchase your personalized 9 Worlds Runic Grid separately!
High Risk Service Professionals Discount

We have a great respect for the military and ALL high-risk service professions! You who put yourself at risk for others are all HIGHLY VALUED people that the world needs! It's my privilege to serve those in need, but those who put their lives on the line and have suffered to protect and serve others have a special place in our hearts!
If you are a part of:
👍🏼 Any military branch, Active or Retired Veteran
(Armed Forces, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, etc.)
👍🏼 Law Enforcement
👍🏼 Fire Fighter
(Full-time or Volunteer)
👍🏼 EMTs or other Emergency Services...
Then we have a special deal only for you!!!
It helps the world best when these heroes are in tip top fighting shape, able to show up as their BEST selves.
If you, or someone you know is in one of these lines of duty and has suffered some great trauma or has other issues and could use our work, contact us before purchasing our services, because those service professions have garnered them an always 40% off discount!
Contact us through the Contact Form on the #CONNECT page, using the "Service Professional Discount" option for verification of service affiliation to obtain our private link to register service with us.
†Service Professional Discount does not apply to any Case Study Trial offers as those are already discounted down to at supply-cost value.