Hagalaz Healing™, Animal Journey Bundle
Here I bring my Signature Service, Hagalaz Healing™, to animals! Because animals can have trauma and deep rooted issues just like people!
Similarly to the Journey Bundle for people, you get 9 structured sessions that follow an greater and methodical approach than a single session alone. Sessions are still shorter as animals are much more naturally open and connected already and thus receive more efficiently.
If you read about my pets and the work I did with them in the About sections of the website, this is an even more advanced form of the work I've done to heal Mattie's seizures, Mater's first "aging out" scare and doggy dementia, and Maece's "mother wounds" from her forced breeding and puppies being sold from before she was rescued and I rescued her from the shelter!
Please fill out this form with as much information to assist me in helping your animal:
After you've filled out the Form, you may book the first session here: https://calendly.com/michaelrhackett/call